Learn From Master
The advantages of learning from the master are many. The stories of touring, experiences of learning from other jazz masters and passing along the information and firsthand information from a working, touring jazz musician about solving musical problems. The how to and what if’s are dissected by an experienced master jazz musician David Friesen with over 60 years of touring experiences.
Make Your Schedule
Everyone has different responsibilities and obligations in their lives. Make your own schedule to accommodate your lifestyle and find the window of opportunity to make your plans for study. It’s up to you!
Study Anywhere
One of the advantages of the digital master classes is that you can study anywhere. No matter if you are travelling abroad or in your home country, you can use your smartphone or computer to hook up with the E-Shop master classes and learn basically in any location. This is such a convenient way to study and it does reduce greatly the stress of learning. So much more can be learned in a relaxed, familiar and private surrounding.
Take Your Time
Another advantage of the E-Shop master classes, is that you can take your time and learn at a pace that doesn’t obligate or rush you. You control how fast you learn. If you need a break for a few hours, days, weeks, months, etc., the rate of speed in which you learn is inconsequential. You learn at a pace that fits your schedule and no judgments are given.
Why Study With David Friesen
There is a balance and thoughtful overall plan with all the educational lessons and lecture series, to offer hope, encouragement, eliminate fears, improve technical skills and establish confidence in the student's musical life style. Each student will gain the self-respect and confidence in their individual musical abilities.
The intent is to help broaden the student's ability and vision of music by explaining:
- What to Practice
- How to organize a practice schedule
- Practice techniques
- Composing
- How to reveal the special qualities and uniqueness of each individual student/musician
- Overcoming fears while playing music
- Establishing confidence
- How to listen and what to listen for
- Strengthening the time feel
- How to participate in a small group format, where the music becomes the focus of attention rather than the individual
- Purpose and Commitment